Tracking 21 Books
UNCF-Mellon Fellows

We began participating in the UNCF-Mellon undergraduate fellowship program in 1997 and 2008, respectively. We majored in English, earned PhDs, and became professors of African American literature. We owe a special debt of gratitude to UNCF-Mellon programs director Cynthia Spence of Spelman College, one of the folks who set us flowin’ on this journey.

In an effort to chart some of the scholarly output of program participants, we identified several single-authored scholarly books by our fellow UNCF-Mellon Fellows who majored in English as undergraduates.

Howard Rambsy II and Kenton Rambsy

We identified 21 books by 18 scholars who graduated from 6 different HBCUs. Most of the book authors attended Spelman College as undergraduates.

Most of the book authors attended Duke University for graduate school.

Here’s a look at the books by the UNCF/Mellon cohort year of the authors. Fellows from the 1997 cohort produced the largest number books.

Here’s a look at the books by the year of publication.

The books were published by 15 different publishers.